Masonry Reinforcement

Swann Direct provides Leviat’s range of Ancon Masonry Reinforcement solutions, otherwise known as Bed Joint-Reinforcement, which improves the structural performance of masonry walls by providing additional resistance to lateral loads e.g. wind. It also reduces the risk of cracking either at stress concentrations around openings or as a result of movement, in accordance with BS5628-3: 2005.

In walls that have door and window openings, bed joint reinforcement can reduce the frequency of control joints. Reinforcement should be provided in the first and second courses above and below all openings and should extend no less than 600mm either side of the opening.

For any assistance, enquiry or additional information please feel free to get in touch with a member of our team via the contact details below and we will be happy to help you with your request.

We can be contacted via telephone: 08434 873 495 or via email:

Ancon AMR-CJ

This new product features shaped cross wires which ensure the longitudinal wires are located in the centre of a bed joint.

Ancon AMR-X

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